Monday, February 9, 2015

New (and last) post

Remember in January of last year when I said that my New Year’s resolution was to get back into the swing of blogging? And remember when that petered out a few months later? You probably thought that I, like most people, just blew off my resolution when something good came up on Netflix (which, let’s be real, would not be implausible). But you guys, I have a really good excuse.

For the rare reader who’s not related to me, in April of last year, I got my dream job working as a college counselor for a company named Collegewise. With Collegewise, I get to do what I love the most, boss people around - I mean share good advice about getting into college. I spend my days learning more about something I already love while sitting 20 feet away from the world’s most supportive and badass coworker, Casey. There’s often Starbucks and Jane Austen movie soundtracks and peanut butter pretzels. And I can’t remember the last time I was on an email chain that didn’t include at least one gif. And on a really good day, I get an excited email from one of my students telling me that he got accepted to college.

Dinner Peace was exactly what I needed four and a half years ago: a way to channel my writerly habit and vegan enthusiasm when I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next week, next month, next year. For the first time in my life, I have a job I can’t imagine leaving, and I want to throw myself into that whole-heartedly. So I’m putting Dinner Peace to bed. For now it will live as a collection of some of the things I love to eat, and I will be appropriating to share some of that good college admissions information (watch out for a few broken links during the transition).  I will probably still take pictures of my food, but now it will go on instagram (yep, I'm one of those girls). And now I will struggle to find that really good Brussels sprouts recipe I made recently. But who knows? Life is long. I’ll keep you posted.